Gino Matteo Angeli Explains Why a Good Web Design Is Important for Your Business

The design of your website can either make or break your business. This is like a business card that gives potential customers the first impression of you. Giovanni Matteo Angeli insists that business owners should ensure their website looks appealing to capture customers’ attention. In the article below, he explains six reasons why a good web design is important.

1.       Makes Site Navigation Easy

When potential customers open your website, they want to navigate it effortlessly. That means being able to switch from one page to the next with ease. If the menu has confusing text or is hard to find, that customer will simply move on to your competitor’s site. A straightforward design will keep visitors coming back as they trust your site as a source for whatever they want.

2.       First Impression Is Important

Most people judge something or someone based on first impressions. The same applies to your website. You want to encourage or entice potential customers to want to know what your business is all about. A good website design will dictate the impression customers have of you. It will determine if they will click on more pages or leave and keep looking for what they want. Gino Matteo Angeli advises entrepreneurs to check that their sites load quickly and look updated.

3.       Increases User Engagement

Functionality isn’t the only thing that matters. There is something to be said about an aesthetically pleasing website. When you have a beautiful site, more people are likely to engage with it. Picture a time you checked out a website, and it turned you off. You will realize that it is because the graphic design was not so pleasing to the eyes. There is just something less trustworthy about a website that has not been well presented. To increase user engagement, ensure that your site is appealing to the eyes.

4.       Good for Your SEO Strategy

Your SEO strategy should start from how your website has been designed. Work with a web designer who will factor in both on-page and off-page elements that can affect your site’s visibility in search engines. For instance, Google factors in media elements when ranking sites. This is something that a designer will consider in order to maximize your visibility. A well-structured site combined with some good SEO strategies will do wonders for your site.

5.       Promotes Your Brand Image

Your website reflects your brand. When you create a company brand through logos, colors, and slogans, you must use that brand consistently in all aspects of the business. Your target audience should be able to recognize your brand on all your media platforms. Any differences in your brand across different platforms will confuse your target audience. As Giovanni Matteo Angeli insists, be consistent with your brand, to appear professional and maintain your customers.

6.       Makes You Trustworthy

While you are familiar with the phrase, “do not judge a book by its cover,” it does not apply to your site. People will judge your business by how the website is designed. And if the design is poor, they will question your business. Create a clean and straightforward design that allows customers to trust you from the start.

Take this advice from Giovanni Matteo Angeli when building or upgrading your website. They will help you remain competitive in the challenging world of business.

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